The number of flying insects in Great Britain has plunged by almost 60% since 2004

The number of flying insects in Great Britain has plunged by almost 60% since 2004, according to a survey that counted splats on car registration plates. The results from…Continue readingThe number of flying insects in Great Britain has plunged by almost 60% since 2004

Britain wildlife is in freefall with 70 of 245 bird species now seriously at risk

The red list of Britain’s most endangered birds has increased to 70 species. Birds are placed on the red list either because their populations have severely declined in Britain,…Continue readingBritain wildlife is in freefall with 70 of 245 bird species now seriously at risk

Humans kill off 1 in 6 birds in the EU and UK

One of every six birds – a net loss of 600 million breeding birds in total – have disappeared over less than four decades. The study by scientists from…Continue readingHumans kill off 1 in 6 birds in the EU and UK

Nearly half of Britain’s biodiversity has gone since industrial revolution

Almost half of Britain’s natural biodiversity has disappeared over the centuries, with farming and urban spread triggered by the industrial and agricultural revolutions being blamed as major factors for…Continue readingNearly half of Britain’s biodiversity has gone since industrial revolution