Global carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking

The analysis, by the Global Carbon Project, calculates Earth’s “carbon budget“, which is how much CO₂ humans have released, and how much has been removed from the atmosphere by…Continue readingGlobal carbon emissions at record levels with no signs of shrinking

Cement carbon dioxide emissions double in 20 years

In 2021, worldwide emissions from making cement for buildings, roads and other infrastructure hit nearly 2.6GtCO₂ (billion metric tonnes of carbon dioxide), which is more than 7% of the…Continue readingCement carbon dioxide emissions double in 20 years

A striking growth of CO2 emissions from the global cement industry driven by new facilities in emerging countries

Global industrialization and urbanization processes enabled a diverse cement production boom over the past three decades, as cement is the most important building construction material. Consequently, the cement industry…Continue readingA striking growth of CO2 emissions from the global cement industry driven by new facilities in emerging countries