US FERC approves Commonwealth LNG project in Louisiana

The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved Commonwealth LNG’s proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal project of the same name in Louisiana.

Proposed to be constructed on the west bank of the Calcasieu Ship Channel, the Commonwealth LNG project is expected to have a liquefaction capacity of 8.4 million metric tonnes per annum (mtpa).

It will be located at the mouth of the Gulf of Mexico near Cameron and will mainly feature six gas pre-treatment trains.

FERC Chairman Richard Glick said: “Today’s order adopts the conclusion in the EIS that the facility will have significant visual impacts on certain surrounding environmental justice communities.

“And while I agree with that conclusion, I believe we must also continue to revise and refine our approach to environmental justice to ensure that we are adequately identifying all adverse impacts for environmental justice communities, mitigating them to the extent possible, and then seriously considering them in our public interest analysis.”