Medicanes: rare, ‘supercharging’ Mediterranean storms

The flash flood that has killed thousands of people in Libya this week followed a “medicane”, a rare but destructive weather phenomenon that scientists believe will intensify in a…Continue readingMedicanes: rare, ‘supercharging’ Mediterranean storms

Faster disaster: Climate change fuels ‘flash droughts’, intense downpours and storms

After the northern summer of extreme heat and disastrous fires, we’ve seen more exceptional autumn weather over Europe with record-breaking heat in the UK. Meanwhile, record-breaking rain and intense…Continue readingFaster disaster: Climate change fuels ‘flash droughts’, intense downpours and storms

Italy’s Eni signs $8bn gas deal with Libya amid energy crunch

The energy agreement, signed during Italian PM Meloni’s visit to Tripoli, seeks to boost Libya’s gas output through new offshore gas fields.Continue readingItaly’s Eni signs $8bn gas deal with Libya amid energy crunch