Australian society devastating wildlife

  • 30% decline of total population in 3 years; the state of New South Wales was worst with a 41% decline in 3 years.
  • Now extinct in 47 electorates and only one electorate, Mayo in the Mt Lofty Ranges of South Australia, has more than 5,000 koalas.
  • Every region across Australia saw a decline in population – there were no upward trends.
  • Some regions have remaining populations estimated to be as small as just 5-10 koalas.
Woodland birds in Mt Lofty Ranges of South Australia
  • Population has dropped by 45% in the 20 years since 2001.
  • Scientists say the trend is a sign that the ecosystem is on the verge of collapse.
  • The causes are frequent prescribed burning (some bird species require long-unburnt habitat), land management, and an increase in pests and weeds.